This is regarding the BANKS technology:
Q1. The extra amount for the loan must be reimbursed as well, correct ?
Q2. Since COINAGE is a pre-requisite to BANKS, a player with BANKS can thus purchase up to 10 army units (FV); 5 for COINAGE et 5 for BANKS.
This regarding the TACTICS technology:
Q3. Does the following sentence mean that, following a military setback, only that last captain to have led a battle will lose a level ?
Or is it something else ?Prototype Rulebook, page 39 ha scritto: Possibility to combine attacks with more Captains and armies without intermediate penalty.
P.s. la versione italiana non aiuta molto:
Puoi effettuare attacchi combinati con più eserciti e Capitani senza malus intermedi.